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Aug 24, 2020

This week, Acadia, Mells and Shooey tackle the tragedy of the TWA 800 crash. Was it an accident, or is one of the MANY conspiracy theories actually correct?

From terrorists to the government and back again, we dig into all of it and learn a little bit about big business along the way.  Join us for the crash of TWA...

Aug 18, 2020

Emma Fillipoff was a young woman finding herself in the beautiful town of Victoria, British Columbia when she disappeared. The team digs into the story and the mystery. 

And, as promised, here is the shout out to Bailey Sarian who got Mells interested in the topic!

Aug 11, 2020

Join Acadia, Mells and Shooey as they talk about a case from back in 1965 that was on Unsolved Mysteries back in 1990.  For a super old case it sure is creepy.

Give it a listen if you dare!!!!

Aug 4, 2020

In the premiere of season four, Acadia, Mells, and Shooey talk about how absolutely metal the Aztec culture was. From Flower Wars to piles of heads, the Aztecs are fascinating and terrifying!